A place where you can let your creativity go unbound!
We are a very friendly, original medieval/modern fantasy mixed site.
Based in another world where fantasy / supernatural creatures thrive. Ask Midnight any questions.
The year is 2022 people are wary after Kenis was almost killed at a party leaving him badly wounded. Some question if the Moon Kingdom still has what it takes to rule as some seem to have cued in on that notion to take advantage of it.
While that is going on something has been going on with the vampires lately and have seemed to have gone mad with bloodlust more often.
Growing number of ships in the Moon Kingdom's fleet is growing. War coming?
Sister Sites Vrikalo Roleplaying Site. Based on an orginal spieces of Isis
If you would like to be a Sister Site, ask on the cbox or affiliate section.
Or, if a member, send Midnight a PM.
Only original fantasy sites in a medieval or modern world will currently be accepted.
Modern/Real Life
[Post] Apocalyptic
Art/Discussion/Advert Sites
All content is copyright of its respective owner(s).
Including plots, images, and character stories.
Any art used is fully credited to the artist.
A Loser Like Me is a Glee au (alternate universe) role playing site! The site is going off of Ryan Murphy's original plot & end game for the show. Finn Hudson is a teacher at McKinley High School, teaching the new generation of glee kids. But he isn't doing it alone. Oh no. He has taken in Daniel Schuester, William's son, under his wing as his sidekick and they continue to hope to win Nationals & Regionals.
Dalton Academy has expanded their school as well. The once formerly male school has begun allowing female students to join and they even created their own glee club; the Nightingales.
A Loser Like Me is set years into the future where the main cast is grown up with their own families and children. The site's actual plot is very chill but will have small events throughout. It does mix some elements from the show but with a twist of being in an alternate universe.