Cutthroat Island

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Forgotten Treasure
Midnight 111 2,522 by Sparksfox
Sept 20, 2018 9:36:23 GMT -5


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Cutthroat Island
This unclaimed island is full of riches and treasures greater than anything a king could ever own. Think you can find it? Well be warned, this treasured island could supply you with food, water, and any other needs for your whole life but with a catch: if you can find the will and power to live that long. It is said men have gone insane on the island searching for it's hidden treasure. Some have even been possessed.

Some of the most cruel pirate and bandit hideouts are on the island as well living off its vast vegetation. The pirates, in their life search for the treasure, have started rumours that the spirits of those who's riches were taken from are guarding the prize.

Ruled by: Royal family children
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