The City of Roses

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Do You Dare Go Into The Sacred Garden?
Midnight 0 202 by Midnight
Jul 7, 2018 21:09:15 GMT -5


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The City of Roses
Waterfalls run off Waterfall City and into this city. Welcome to the City of Roses, a vast gate of roses surrounds the city mostly decorated in red. Inside the gates is an array of colored roses. The weather is not to benefit the people but the roses, with consistent short bursts of rain. The sun shows just enough to make the roses grow without fading their colors and the air is just warm enough for them to thrive.

Inside the city roses cover the houses. Gardens are everywhere with amazing statues inside them, each holding a story. There is one garden in the middle of the city that is said that faeries can be seen frolicking through the flowers making them grow into amazing colors and have a long, rich life. Many consider this garden sacred and stay out. In the middle are two lone roses. Beautiful and seeming to glow. Legend has it the roses hold the faeries. Others don't believe in that garbage. Why not view it for yourself? Or you can ask the roses...

Ruled by: Silver
Claimed by: Midnight
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