Midnight's Slayer Building

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Midnight 1 1,035 by Midnight
Jan 11, 2016 10:45:53 GMT -5


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Slayer Building
In the middle of Nightmare city is a 6 storey building dedicated to Midnight's hired slayers. The building keeps anything a slayer needs including top secret files with info on almost anything about you. Past crimes & jobs, what you were involved in, sometimes even past relationships. Anything that could give them a reason to keep an eye on you. The office is also a storage place for weapons beyond your imagination and gadgets of the highest tech. Several laboratories are dotted around the building. Some are for new potions, concocting stronger blood mixtures to keep vampires and werewolves from praying on the innocent, or experiments that will help them conquer creatures who've gotten out of hand, some labs are used for making new weapons while others are used just to make coffee. Yet the building isn't just dedicated to figuring out how to slay certain creatures. It is also home to them. They come here to rest and live. The slayers keep down the evil in Nightmare city which includes gangs, bounty hunters, and slayers out to kill anything and everything with out a second thought.
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